Tuesday, June 25

The War Machines

Premise: The Doctor and Dodo arrive in 1966 London where the Post Office Tower has just been completed and is home to WOTAN, a super computer capable of independent thought.

Notes: This was the first Doctor Who serial to be set entirely on contemporary Earth, with the program embracing the look and feel of 'swinging sixties' London. The opening title credits for each episode were shown in special computer style lettering, unique to this story. For some unknown reason, WOTAN and its servants refer to the Doctor as 'Doctor Who' throughout the story. This is the only time he is directly called this on screen however he was called this in the credits up until 1981. Only one War Machine prop was built which changeable numbers for different scenes.

Verdict: A great introduction for the lovable companions Ben and Polly but a rather bad departure for the less-loved Dodo. The contemporary London setting is a refreshing change but the War Machines themselves are a bit underwhelming and an obvious attempt to make a monster with the same merchandising potential as the Daleks 7/10

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